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Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction

Transforming infrastructure through smarter information

The UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC), a 5-year EPSRC-funded research programme, works closely with high level stakeholders from government and industry to inform the analysis, planning and design of national infrastructure through the development and demonstration of new decision support tools.

The inaugural ITRC Early Career Researcher conference will allow researchers involved in the infrastructure research community to showcase and share innovative thinking on future challenges and opportunities.

Keynote speakers:

Prof Tim Broyd, Halcrow and Chair of the ITRC Expert Advisory Group

International infrastructure research landscape

Dr Caroline Batchelor, EPSRC

Career development, the EPSRC strategy and its infrastructure portfolio

Prof Chris Rogers, University of Birmingham and Chair of the Institution of Civil Engineers Innovation & Research Panel

Publication opportunities and delivery of impact from research

Attendees interested in these key ITRC themes are welcomed:

< Infrastructure transitions and long-term challenges

< Infrastructure failure and interdependency

< Infrastructure management, adaptation and complexity

< Transition strategies and governance

Attendees are particularly encouraged from projects included in the following affiliated ITRC networks:

< Adaptation and Resilience in a Changing Climate Coordination Network (ARCC ACN)

< Sustainable Urban Environments (SUE) Programme

< EPSRC-funded 2011 'Sandpit' projects

< Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (Cambridge)

< UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)

< Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

For further information and to register, please see or contact

Further information on the ITRC and its affiliated networks can be found at, or follow on Twitter @UKITRC.

Tuesday, 27 November, 2012 - 09:00 to 17:30
Event location: 
University of Cambridge