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Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction

Transforming infrastructure through smarter information

Professor Lord Mair, Head of CSIC, and Dr Jennifer Schooling, Director of CSIC, were among a select number of scientists and engineers at the RISE Connect event organised by the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC).

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Professor Lord Mair, Head of CSIC, and Jennifer Schooling, Director of CSIC, were among a select number of recognised scientists and engineers at the RISE Connect event organised by the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC).

The event, held on 2 March, at the House of Commons, in London, brought together members of the Science and Technology Select Committee from both houses, chief scientific advisers, EPSRC council members, MPs with links to science, scientists and engineers. The afternoon of presentations, talks and informal discussions was initiated by the EPSRC to further develop links, networks and relationships between academics and parliamentarians.

Attendees talked about their research with the House of Commons and House of Lords Science and Technology Committees to showcase the diversity and high impact of research funded by the EPSRC.

Professor Mair and Jennifer Schooling presented the case for smart infrastructure and highlighted the impact of CSIC’s work to transform the future of infrastructure.

Key messages delivered during the event included:

• strong economies are science economies

• economic growth is fuelled by technology

• engineering and physical sciences deliver much needed growth and productivity.

RISE Connect is a follow-up to the RISE Awards launched by the EPSRC in 2013, which paired a select number of scientists and engineers with individuals not connected with the world of science and followed the development of these relationships for an entire year.

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