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Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction

Transforming infrastructure through smarter information

CSIC’s leading experts across the fields of asset management, wireless sensors, distributed fibre optic strain sensing and bridge monitoring have written a series of industry best practice and technology guides to be published in conjunction with the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).


The four guides are intended to be far-reaching, informing and supporting the construction industry, infrastructure owners and operators, manufacturing, electrical and information sectors in the installation and operation of novel sensing technologies for asset monitoring and management.

The titles include: 

Whole-Life Value-Based Decision Making in Asset Management by Rengarajan Srinivasan and Ajith Parlikad.
Publication date: 8 June 2016

 • Wireless Sensor Networks for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring: A Best Practice Guide by David Rodenas-Herráiz, Kenichi Soga, Paul Fidler and Nicholas de Battista.
Publication date: 4 July 2016

Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensing for Monitoring Civil Infrastructure: A Practical Guide by Cedric Kechavarzi, Kenichi Soga, Nicholas de Battista, Loizos Pelecanos, Mohammed Elshafie and Robert J Mair. Publication date: 29 July 2016

 • Bridge Monitoring: A Practical Guide by Campbell R Middleton, Paul Fidler and Paul J Vardanega.
 Publication date: 9 August 2016

All titles will be available to purchase/pre-order from the ICE Bookshop here.




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