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Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction

Transforming infrastructure through smarter information

CSIC director Dr Brian Sheil, Peter Hensman and Zhandos Orazalin, have been honored with the prestigious 2024 BGA Case Histories Award. Their award-winning paper, titled "Monitoring the construction of a deep energy-from-waste bunker in soft clay and peat," was published in Géotechnique in 2023.

The paper explores the application of the increasingly popular 'combi-wall' retaining system in the difficult conditions of soft clay and peat. By providing a detailed account of both predicted and actual performance, the study offers invaluable insights that are expected to benefit future projects encountering similar ground challenges.

This recognition highlights the importance of innovative approaches in geotechnical engineering, and the findings from this study are poised to influence future construction practices in challenging environments.

The award will be officially presented at the BGA’s Annual Conference at ICE in London on 12 June 2024.

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