Submitted by Administrator on Thu, 15/05/2014 - 11:36
Assessing Complex Structures: Faster, Lighter, Higher, Longer, Safer, Cheaper - Professor Bill Spencer, Jr, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Changing expectations mean that structures are required to be taller, longer, more irregular, lighter, cheaper and safer. To deliver this, engineers, researchers, analysts and experimentalists require new approaches to innovative structural design and advanced assessment tools.
The 2014 CSIC Lecture highlighted some of the leaps that have been made in testing and analysing critical structural components. Successful projects presented by Professor Spencer illustrated recent advances and innovations, pointing towards future challenges and opportunities.
Prof Bill Spencer, Jr. is the Director of the Newmark Structural Engineering Laboratory and the Multi-axial Full-scale Substructure Testing and Simulation (MUST-SIM) facility at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Fellow of ASCE, the North American Editor in Chief of Smart Structures and Systems, and the past president of the Asia-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology.