Leadership of urban digital innovation for public value: A competency framework. Bastidas, V., Oti-Sarpong, K., Nochta, T., Wan, L., Tang, J. and Schooling, J. IET Smart Cities Journal, pp.1-12, 2023.
Leadership for responsible digital innovation in the built environment: A socio-technical review for re-establishing competencies. Bastidas, V., Oti-Sarpong, K., Nochta, T., Wan, L., Tang, J. and Schooling, J. Journal of Urban Management, 12(1), pp.57-73, 2023.
A socio-technical perspective on urban analytics: The case of city-scale digital twins. Nochta, T., Wan, L., Schooling, J., Parlikad, A.K. Journal of Urban Technology, pp.1-25, 2020.
Digitalisation for smarter cities: moving from a static to a dynamic view. Nochta, T., Wan, L., Schooling, J., Lemanski, C., Parlikad, A.K. & Jin, Y. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 2018.
A competency framework for leading place-based digital innovation. Bastidas, V., Oti-Sarpong, K., Nochta, T., Wan, L., Tang, J. and Schooling, J. International Conference on Evolving Cities, University of Southampton, UK, pp.31, 2022.
A social construction of technology view to understanding the delivery of city-scale digital twins. Oti-Sarpong, K., Bastidas, V., Nochta, T., Wan, L., Tang, J. & Schooling, J. 7th Smart Data and Smart Cities (SDSC) Conference, Sydney, 2022.
Developing a city-level digital twin–propositions and a case study . Wan, L., Nochta, T., & Schooling, J., International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 2019.
Books and Chapters
Digital Twins for Smart Cities: Conceptualisation, challenges and practices. Wan, L., Nochta, T., Tang, J., Schooling, J., (Eds). ICE Publishing, Thomas Telford Limited, 2023.
Conceptualising City Digital Twins (CDTs). Chapter 3, in Digital Twins for Smart Cities: Conceptualisation, challenges and practices. Wan, L., Nochta, T., Tang, J., Schooling, J., Oti-Sarpong, K and Bastidas, V. ICE Publishing, Thomas Telford Limited, 2023.
Network governance and energy transitions in European cities. Nochta, T. This book investigates and evaluates the opportunities and limitations of network governance in building local capacity for energy infrastructure governance. Routledge, 2020.
How do we conceptualise and design urban interventions that satisfy the social and technological needs of the real world? Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 2023.
Addressing smart city competency needs. Blog. Smart Cities World, 2022.
Digitalisation and smart cities: Identifying and addressing competency needs for the future. Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 2022.
What professionals need to know: ethical and responsible competencies for a data-centric society. The Real Estate Data and Ethics Foundation, 2022.