More information to come.
16:30 - 17:30 Refreshments and poster session
17:30 - 18:45 Lecture
This event is free to attend. However, please register on eventbrite by 18th September.
About the Speaker
Professor Mark Girolami spent ten years as a Chartered Engineer within IBM prior to his election to the Sir Kirby Laing Professorship of Civil Engineering within the Department of Engineering, where he also holds the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Data Centric Engineering. He is Chief Scientist at the Alan Turing Institute, where he established and led the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Programme on Data Centric Engineering. An elected fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineers and the Royal Society of Edinburgh as well as a recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and the Royal Statistical Society Guy Medal in Silver, he currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the new open-access journal Data Centric Engineering published by Cambridge University Press.