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Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction

Transforming infrastructure through smarter information

The seventh in a planned series of annual symposia on applied urban simulation models, AUM2018, will take place from June 27 to June 29.


Designed to offer insights into urban change and support the realisation of imaginative and practical urban initiatives, this established series attracts delegates from a range of disciplines, including universities, professional institutions, government agencies and civic groups from many countries.

AUM2018 (Applied Urban Modelling) will be held over three days and feature a wide range of contributions, with session formats that strengthen the voice from outstanding young scholars and research students.  The symposium will build on the extensive network of academics and practitioners in infrastructure planning, city design and the assessment of societal impacts of physical interventions, and extend this engagement to additional disciplines.

There is a current call for papers and presentations that address urban modelling and long-term change which, in this context, includes perspectives reaching beyond the traditional horizons of two, five or 10 years.  While national and local political agendas continue to bring focus to shorter term matters, there is pressing need to address longer term issues such as climate change, energy substitution, an ageing population, migration and the application of artificial intelligence in everyday objects.

Operational or short-term modelling also have a vital contribution to AUM2018; views on the long term often have profound implications for more immediate choices.  This long-term perspective may also prompt developments of new analytical methods and tools for measuring growing urban inequalities, and supporting new policy and community initiatives for improving fairness in cities. 

The symposium follows the simple, plenary format of AUM, together with ample time for off-session discussion and networking. The deadline for all paper and presentation proposals is 30 April 2018.  AUM2018 will be held in the Crausaz Wordsworth Building in the grounds of Robinson College, Cambridge, and is hosted by the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, Cambridge University.

Full details of the call for papers and presentations can be found here. Please email all the papers and proposals to Tianren Yang at

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