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Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction

Transforming infrastructure through smarter information
Read more at: This month’s Smart Infrastructure Blog highlights the importance of considering human behaviour when designing smart infrastructure systems.

This month’s Smart Infrastructure Blog highlights the importance of considering human behaviour when designing smart infrastructure systems.

28 March 2023

Jim Johnson, director at ARUP and digital leader in the UK, India, Middle East and Africa region, argues that, a s the future of human civilization increasingly depends on smart infrastructure, reaching the best solutions for it also hinges on bringing people and human behaviour into the equation. In his blog entitled On...

Read more at: International Women’ s Day: Founding Head of CSIC addresses the importance of attracting more women into engineering.

International Women’ s Day: Founding Head of CSIC addresses the importance of attracting more women into engineering.

14 March 2023

On 10 March 2023, Professor Lord Robert Mair CBE, Founding Head of CSIC at the University of Cambridge, spoke in the House of Lords contributing to the debate on International Women’s Day stressing the importance of inspiring more women to study engineering. In his speech, Lord Mair emphasised both the important role that...

Read more at: CSIC Partner Strategy Day 2023

CSIC Partner Strategy Day 2023

1 March 2023

On Friday 24 February 2023, CSIC hosted our annual Partner Strategy Day at Robinson College, Cambridge. The event included presentations by CSIC academics and members of the CSIC Early-Career Academics and Professionals Panel ( ECAPP ) followed by roundtable discussions. ECAPP was appointed by CSIC in June 2022 with the...

Read more at: Carbon Reduction Code Ecosystem Map

Carbon Reduction Code Ecosystem Map

27 February 2023

A new Carbon Reduction Code for the Built Environment Ecosystem Map has been published to enable organisations to visualise and understand how the Code fits with other initiatives and to help them in achieving the commitments of the Code. The Carbon Reduction Code for the Built Environment, which forms part of the...

Read more at: This month’s Smart Infrastructure Blog focuses on what it is needed to build and maintain resilient infrastructure systems, underlying the need for understanding the key challenges.

This month’s Smart Infrastructure Blog focuses on what it is needed to build and maintain resilient infrastructure systems, underlying the need for understanding the key challenges.

27 February 2023

CSIC Senior Research Associate Manu Sasidharan calls for incorporating resilience consideration into the planning and decision-making of infrastructure and integrating digitalisation into asset management practices to respond to potential infrastructure failure. In his blog entitled ‘ Resilient infrastructure systems – are...

Read more at: Horizon Europe: UK Participation. Founding Head of CSIC raises fundamental questions about the outstanding post-Brexit uncertainty for UK universities.

Horizon Europe: UK Participation. Founding Head of CSIC raises fundamental questions about the outstanding post-Brexit uncertainty for UK universities.

3 February 2023

On 31 January 2023, Professor Lord Robert Mair CBE, Founding Head of CSIC at the University of Cambridge, raised important questions in the House of Lords about the future of UK Participation in Horizon Europe. Horizon Europe is the largest international research and innovation funding programme in the world, with an £81bn...

Read more at: Improving construction material efficiency

Improving construction material efficiency

31 January 2023

Omar Abo Madyan, CSIC Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, has recently published a new blog at PBC Today entitled ‘Improving construction material efficiency by uncovering blind spots’, which discusses how to tackle carbon blind spots and data gaps that are holding back construction material efficiency...

Read more at: The Carbon Reduction Code for the Built Environment: First Series of Case Studies

The Carbon Reduction Code for the Built Environment: First Series of Case Studies

25 January 2023

CSIC is delighted to announce publication of the first series of the Carbon Reduction Code for the Built Environment case studies showcasing some of the organisations that have achieved the PLEDGER level of the Code. This first series of case studies includes four organisations: City Building Engineering Services (CBES)...

Read more at: 'Preparing for Extreme Risks: Building a Resilient Society'. Founding Head of CSIC contributes to the debate on Risk Assessment and Risk Planning Committee Report.

'Preparing for Extreme Risks: Building a Resilient Society'. Founding Head of CSIC contributes to the debate on Risk Assessment and Risk Planning Committee Report.

19 January 2023

On the 12th of January 2023, Professor Lord Robert Mair CBE, Founding Head of CSIC at the University of Cambridge, contributed to the debate in the House of Lords on the ‘ Select Committee Report on Risk Assessment and Risk Planning ’ . The Report was entitled Preparing for Extreme Risks: Building a Resilient Society...

Read more at: This month’s Smart Infrastructure Blog looks at factors that influence the effective digital innovation of the infrastructure industry

This month’s Smart Infrastructure Blog looks at factors that influence the effective digital innovation of the infrastructure industry

9 January 2023

John Pelton MBE, Enterprise Programme Director at Costain , highlights the importance of digitalisation in the infrastructure industry while recognising the challenges that the industry faces in exploiting digitalisation. The Blog entitled ‘What's stopping digital innovation? Rethinking the relationship between the parties...

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